Posts tagged “God

Jesse Jackson: Founders “maybe shouldn’t have said ‘endowed by our creator'”

In the wake of the “God” debacle at the DNC on Wednesday, September 5, Sean Hannity interviewed Reverend Jesse Jackson from the convention.

The DNC intially removed reference to God and Jerusalem as the capital of Israel from its platform. Then, on Wednesday, they tried to add it back in on a voice vote from the floor. The voice vote, which requires a 2/3 vote became a debacle, when three times the DNC chair Antonio Villaraigosa called the vote and three times it failed to pass, amidst boos on it being added back. On the third try, Villaraigosa just declared it affirmed, although it was clear it had not achieved the required vote total.

Hannity then interviewed Jackson asking what he thought of what had occurred.  At ~3:30:

HANNITY: We are endowed by our creator, our founding document. We are endowed by our creator. It was in the 2008 platform, it was seven times in the 2004 platform. They purposely took it out. The delegates wanted to keep it out you. How should America interpret that?

JACKSON: Maybe it shouldn’t have been the word “creator” in the first place. I’ve gone to schools where you have 50 different languages and several different religions, and so the issue of a religion and a name can be quite divisive a multi-cultural society.

Note: the transcript on Fox of this exchange is inaccurate, the video clearly shows what Jackson said.