Posts tagged “DNC

Jesse Jackson: Founders “maybe shouldn’t have said ‘endowed by our creator'”

In the wake of the “God” debacle at the DNC on Wednesday, September 5, Sean Hannity interviewed Reverend Jesse Jackson from the convention.

The DNC intially removed reference to God and Jerusalem as the capital of Israel from its platform. Then, on Wednesday, they tried to add it back in on a voice vote from the floor. The voice vote, which requires a 2/3 vote became a debacle, when three times the DNC chair Antonio Villaraigosa called the vote and three times it failed to pass, amidst boos on it being added back. On the third try, Villaraigosa just declared it affirmed, although it was clear it had not achieved the required vote total.

Hannity then interviewed Jackson asking what he thought of what had occurred.  At ~3:30:

HANNITY: We are endowed by our creator, our founding document. We are endowed by our creator. It was in the 2008 platform, it was seven times in the 2004 platform. They purposely took it out. The delegates wanted to keep it out you. How should America interpret that?

JACKSON: Maybe it shouldn’t have been the word “creator” in the first place. I’ve gone to schools where you have 50 different languages and several different religions, and so the issue of a religion and a name can be quite divisive a multi-cultural society.

Note: the transcript on Fox of this exchange is inaccurate, the video clearly shows what Jackson said.

“Hug-a-Thug” at the DNC

More fun at the DNC.

The local AFL-CIO has a booth where union members will be giving out free hugs on Labor Day, in celebration of American workers on the eve of the Democratic Convention in Charlotte. Calling the event, “Hug-a-Thug”, the Union is trying to fight portrayals from critics that they are thugs, and promote the importance of unions. “The Hug-a-Thug booth is part of a broad, long-term initiative by America’s unions to be a voice for all working people,” the organization said in a statement.

The booth will also include information on unions, and union members will give out thank you cards to workers.

North Carolina is one of the least unionized states in the country. It is a “right-to-work” state which means that workers cannot be forced into joining unions against their will and paying dues they do not wish to pay. Unions, such as the AFL-CIO are fighting such laws.

Because of the location in a right-to-work state, the AFL-CIO has scaled back their involvement in the DNC, including scaling back their financial contributions, according to the International Business Times. 

Video of Richard Trumka, head of the AFL-CIO,  asking people to celebrate workers. Huggable?

Obama- sand sculpture Mount Rushmore imitation

This one takes the cake.

At the Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Charlotte, they will have pictures of such American icons as the Statue of Liberty and Mount Rushmore.

Apparently President Obama has such a high opinion of himself that there is also a sand sculpture of him, erected at the DNC at the EpiCentre entertainment complex, seemingly in imitation of  Mount Rushmore. It consists of 15 tons of sand trucked in from Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

Credit QCity Metro

This raises interesting questions, such as how much must this have cost?  What was the effect on the beach, environmentally?  And how big an ego do you have to have to try to imitate Mount Rushmore while you are still a sitting president?

Let the jokes begin! Shovel ready job, house built on sand, no graven images, etc…

Update: Looks like we raised a good question about the sand removal.  The Morning Spew reports that back in 1998 the Army Corp of Engineers spent $60 million of public money to put sand back into the beach! 

I would want to know how 15 tons of South Carolina beach ended up at the DNC Convention in Charlotte, NC.  It’s also puzzling that Democrats, who consider themselves bastions of environmental policy, would actually think that digging up a beach for this purpose was a good idea, especially when beaches remain a fragile habitat for many types of endangered wildlife.

Since the original 1998 replenishment, the beach was replenished in 2009 as well in order to protect people and property from storm damage along the shore. According to the US Army Corps of Engineers, it is scheduled to continue to be replenished with Federal, state and local money through 2046.  

We will let you know when we track down exactly where the sand came from in Myrtle Beach.


We earlier noted that there was a report the sculpture was being taken down. From what we can ascertain at this point, there was a sculpture  being built in front of the Ritz Carlton around the corner from where it is now. They had been working on it for weeks.  A couple of days ago, they decided it needed to be taken down for “security reasons”.  That is a different one than this one (perhaps even more sand!).  So as far as we know at this point, this one  is in fact still up. Thank you, Sister Toldjah!


Just couldn’t resist posting, courtesy of Lyby, a commenter over at Free Republic.

Don’t build your house on the sandy land
Don’t build it too near the shore
Oh it might be kind of nice
But you’ll have to do it twice
And you’ll have to build your house once more
You better build your house upon the rock
And put a sure foundation on the solid spot
And though the storms may come and go
Peace of God you’ll know.


The finished creation!  They added the chair today. Seriously. #Eastwooding.


Again, can’t make these things up! Sand Obama is no more! A torrential downpour hit Charlotte this afternoon and washed it away, according to the Washington Times. No joke, apparently.

We should note that apparently this sculpture was sponsored by Myrtle Beach, obviously with the hope of improving tourism. The team that put the sculpture together was reportedly Team Sandtastic. We are sad for Myrtle Beach that this happened, and hopefully, they have another option to advertise.   Hopefully, also, that means that someone had some sense about where the sand came from.

Update 65 in the continuing saga of Sand Obama:

Reports of Sand Obama being washed away were somewhat exaggerated. He is damaged, but still lives, dented and in need of repair. Kind of like the President himself.


Nope, not messianic at all. PR photo below:


For those who think there wasn’t DNC involvement in this, think again.