Posts tagged “FTP

Occupy Smashy “FTP” march in the Mission District of San Francisco

Here is video from the attack on the Mission District on Friday night. In it you can see Occupiers  in black bloc, attacking the local police station and as well as other businesses. More on the story here. “FTP” stand for “F–k the Police”.

Occupy anarchists attack Obama HQs with kids inside

Occupy Oakland had another “FTP”(Fuck the Police March) last night in Oakland, California.

Occupy Oakland

About 100 people marched. During the march, some smashed the windows of cars, with one report of them surrounding a woman in a car as they attacked it. They also tossed rocks and bricks through the windows of Obama Headquarters in downtown Oakland. Tweets note that children were inside the headquarters at the time.

Windows at the headquarters:

Image source: Twitter user @davidcolburn

KGO News

Other Occupiers celebrated the destruction:

One even accused the Obama workers inside of breaking out the windows from the inside:

While police were reportedly following the march, there were apparently no arrests reported at this time.

Anonymous DDOS against NATO, City of Chicago and Chicago Police Dept

Cyber War News is reporting this morning DDOS(distributed denial of service) attacks against both the Chicago Police Department and NATO.

The attacks have been aimed at which is a community information site for the Chicago police. CWN reported the site down, but Citizen Journalist observed it was in operation, so if it was down, it was for a period under an hour.

Transcript provided by Anonymous in description on video:

Greetings fellow citizens of the world, we are AntiS3curityOPS.

While this has come to no surprise, the NATO protests are already reaching a boiling point. As tonight we have already witnessed the Chicago Police Dept sending out a request for two water cannons deployed on Michigan Avenue, which the protesters briefly were able to close of the street completely. Just a few moments ago we witnessed cops on horses seemingly all too content with the destiny that has turned their hearts cold, trampling over protesters trying to intimidate. And you know what we saw during this? Protesters locking arms and holding their ground. A few had Anonymous masks’ on, a few were girls who looked like they belonged safely off on the sidelines bravely charging cops with shields and on horse. All the while the protesters are chanting “Take those animals off those horses”, drowning out any attempts by the Chicago police to get a word in. Everyone of you are hero’s to us.

What we saw tonight watching a bit of the protest was everyday, average people fighting back and finally refusing to stand down. The NATO Summit is being utilized in such a way, and we couldn’t have predicted it more accurately. On the video we saw Mother’s, teenagers, elderly, the anarchists, white, black, hispanic, this movement see’s no skin color. every sort of person is well represented in these actions.

This is not a time to have our differences divide us, this is a time we all need to come together and rally around our brother’s and sister’s bravely in the street’s of Chicago risking their lives to make the one voice they have, heard. If every single one of us has a voice, one opinion, let us unite and show the violent Chicago police, and the government big brother tactic’s that we are not gonna take this.

We are actively engaged in actions against the Chicago Police Deptartment, and encourage anyone to take up the cause and use the AntiS3curityOPS Anonymous banner. For those able, should be fired upon as much as possible. We are in your harbor Chicago, and you will not forget us.

So for those unable to engage in attacks online by ddos, share with everyone you know what’s presently going on in Chicago, Tweet celebrities on twitter with the #SolidarityWithChicago #FuckNATO #FTP hashtags and get it trending. Also keep watching the live feed’s, and spreading the live feed links all relevant places. Together, we the people, are gonna take the power back.
We are AntiS3curityOPS.
We are Anonymous.
We are legion.
We do not forget.
We do not forgive.
Chicago Police Deptartment, expect us.

Despite the Anonymous narrative, there were no water canons used, and police were generally very restrained in dealing with the crowd on the street. The transcript refers to people linking and arms and charging the cops.  That did occur and was not precipitated by any action on the part of the police other than standing in a line. Police were charged and knocked over. There appeared to be blocs delegated to trying to impede the police from following along with the march, at one point blocking the horses, bikes and at one point slashing tires on a police van, surrounding the van and hitting it.

CWN also alleges that  was taken off line this morning, but checking it now, it appears fine so it was not down for more than 3 hours.

The attacks have been announced from @AnonAteam twitter account:

#TangoDown @NATO One-One censorship from #ATeam @DwayneV1x@AnonSkill @UKAnonymous2012 @minilulz @iblametom @ZDNetUK

The City of Chicago website also seems to be under attack and offline at the moment at

Two arrested after NYC OWS “Black Bloc” FTP march

Two men were arrested last evening after what appeared to be a large crowd of  people dressed in black vandalized the neighborhood between Astor Place and Tompkins Square Park and a police sergeant was assaulted with a lead pipe.

OWS live streamer Tim Pool reported about the action on livestream, although he was not able to get actual footage of the vandalism.

You can see his video here:

Reportedly, a “black bloc” group of people formed after the Anarchist Book Fair at Judson Church (a place which hosts  OWS events and has housed OWS members).  Pool  noted, “a text has gone out”, and “we were late arriving”.   The bloc moved to around Astor Place and ended at  Tompkins Square Park near the 6th Street Community Center, where there was to be an after party for the book fair. On the way,  the group went on a rampage of vandalism,  tipping garbage cans, spray painting anarchist graffiti, and smashing windows, including a 7-11  window.  They chanted  “fuck the NYPD”, “cops are murderers,”  and “all pigs must die.”

An NYPD spokesman said that officers received a report around 9 p.m. that a “disorderly group” had gathered in front of the Starbucks at Lafayette and Astor Place.A video transmission detailing that an officer needed assistance followed, and police found “individuals hitting the window of the establishment.” When a sergeant attempted to intervene and make an arrest, “the crowd became unruly,” and he was allegedly struck with a metal pipe by two men. The officer sustained minor injuries to his hands and knees, and was taken to a local hospital before being released. The two men fled.

The NYPD’s press release referred to the group as “anarchist related”  and the two men were among a group of 25 who fought with police and who had tried to use eight-foot-long galvanized metal pipes to smash windows of a Starbucks at Astor Place and Lafayette Street at 8:45 p.m.” The police also claim that patrons of Starbucks were hiding under the tables during the incident.

7-11 window smashed during Black Bloc FTP march. Didn't like the Slurpee?

The night’s events, according to a city anarchist legal worker named Marcus@mcompost, were part of a “very loosely organized anti-police protest”  or an “NYC FTP(Fuck the Police)” march.   According to Marcus, he witnessed bottles flying – “These folks are making oo(Occupy Oakland) look like a bunch of hippies! so many bottles”.  He also noted the attempt to “de-arrest” someone:!/mcompost/status/191328591970172928

Marcus was thereafter chastised for speaking about the action by well known Occupier Justin Stone Diaz:!/justinstoned/status/191341594220298240

What is a “black bloc”?

Here is Wikipedia’s general answer as to the meaning of “Black Bloc“:

A black bloc is a tactic for protests and marches, whereby individuals wear black clothing, scarves, ski masks, motorcycle helmets with padding, or other face-concealing items.[…] The clothing is used to avoid being identified, and to, theoretically, appear as one large mass, promoting solidarity.

Black Bloc protests first came about in the 80s in Europe and were a part of the anti-World Trade Organization demonstrations in Seattle in 1999. Protest techniques are disruptive and volatile. They include rioting, vandalism and fighting as well as assistance to fellow protesters in fleeing police.

Occupy Oakland has a very active “black bloc” contingent that has been responsible for a lot of violence and vandalism during marches.  OWS has also held  “FTP” marches.  At one such march, Occupiers broke into the city hall, vandalized the building, and burnt an American flag on the steps:

After the march last night made it to the Tompkins Square Park area (near the 6th St Community Center and the after party), the group reportedly took off the black and disappeared into the regular crowd of people. However there were reports of more bottles being thrown at police and that was when the two arrests actually occurred.

Alexander Penley, 41, and Nicholas Thommen, 30, were arrested for allegedly assaulting the police sergeant with the  pipe during the earlier action at the Starbucks at Astor Place. They were charged with assaulting a police officer, menacing, criminal possession of a weapon, resisting arrest, and inciting a riot.

Penley is an attorney and has been an organizer with the Occupy Wall Street movement since the fall.  Thommen has also been very active with Occupy.

Alexander Penley(in center)

Nicholas Thommen

Update: NY Post notes more of the event including that a NYPD lieutenant was also injured and a third person, Eric Marchese, 24,  was arrested in the process of trying to smash a window.

Update: MSM catches up-a little. MSM finally notes the OWS connection, as Metro NY notes Occupier presence and that “during the scuffle, several police officers were assaulted with pipes, bottles, and physical force, cops said”.–anarchists-occupy-wall-street-members-arrested-after-trying-to-smash-windows-at-east-village-starbucks

Update: Apparently, notices for the FTP march were handed out at the Anarchist Book Fair at the Judson Church. One has to wonder why the Church would condone such behavior.