Occupy protests human trafficking and child exploitation conference, calls it “repressing sex workers”

This is one that will have to be seen to be believed.

Occupy has often been unfocused and all over the map with the things they protest, so much so that the original thought, whatever that was, seems to have been lost. Of course, the true purpose was always to get people into the streets.

But today, in Oakland, they protested against a human trafficking conference. Yes, you read that right. They pulled down police barriers and vandalized the front doors of the conference.
Demonstrators called themselves “Occupy Patriarchy” and apparently local news recognized people who were involved in the “FTP”(Fuck the police) marches that Occupy Oakland has had.

ABC News noted:

An interview we were conducting was interrupted by protestors using bullhorns to blast us down repeatedly, accusing us of being part of a larger conspiracy to assist police.

Inside, more than 430 registered guest and 70 presenters were meeting to discuss ways to end human trafficking and the exploitation of children. A crime, organizers say, that is on the rise and the victims even younger.

“The average is now, what we’re looking at about 13 years old, but we do have some kids who have come in as young as 11,” said Alameda County District Attorney Nancy O’Malley.

Protesters were not interested in listening:

They say that this conference is just a launching pad for continued repression of sex workers and the further empowerment of police agencies at their expense.

“What we’re saying is that if you really want to help these people, this is not the way to do it,” said demonstrator Catilin Manning. “If you really want to help these people figure out where the traffickers are coming in. Maybe you should police the port.”

The HEAT (Human Exploitation and Trafficking) campaign has been successful; in Alameda County alone has had more than 250 prosecutions and 180 successful convictions.

According to ABC, the conference runs through Friday and “the anarchists plan to return”.   See ABC report and video here

8 responses

  1. Next, they’ll be marching along side NAMBLA.

    June 14, 2012 at 2:01 am

  2. The truth finder

    If you have not carefully analyzed numbers put out by law enforcement, you don’t know that lying is commonplace, probably the norm. I’ve done actual research on domestic violence numbers put out locally and found they are were off by more than 500%.
    I’ve done research on numbers put out by the Federal government in the anti-marijuana war, (don’t think I am a stoner, I think it can be a very insidious drug) and found out they were just made up. Completely fabricated. Likely the claim, or, implication, that there have been hundreds of trafficking convictions for selling 13 year olds is completely false. For me, it’s not about sex worker’s rights at all. Even if it only involves adults, prostitution is an ugly business that ideally would not exist. It’s about more police state and too much lying to the citizens.

    June 15, 2012 at 1:11 pm

  3. sensibleviews

    So, “Truth Finder”… do you have sources for your “facts”? Or am I having a Deja’ Poo… the unmistakable feeling I’ve heard this BS before?

    Sex trafficking of young girls and boys happens more than anyone can imagine. As long as there are NAMBLA members and Sandusky’s in the world, there will be children forced into prostitution. It is even worse in nations who do not police that segment of society as we do here. I personally know people who have gone on Christian rescue missions in a country and saw it themselves – children literally lined up in cages where sex-tourists chose which ones they wanted. Do not be naive, “Truth Finder”. There are a LOT more perverts out there than you could ever imagine.

    June 21, 2012 at 1:05 am

  4. Pingback: OWS (Pea Party) supports children being raped. - US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

  5. bebopper76

    Sex Trafficking/Slavery is used by many groups as a attempt to make huge amounts of money from grants and donations and outlaw all prostitution around the world by saying that all women are victims even if they do it willing. This hurts any real victims because it labels all sex workers as victims.
    This is done by the media, aid groups, NGO’s, feminists, politicians, and religious organizations that receive funds from the government. There are very strong groups who promote that all adult women who have sex are victims even if they are willing, enjoy it and go out of there way to get it. These groups try to get the public to believe that no adult women in their right mind would ever go into the sex business unless she was forced to do so, weather she knew it or not. They say that 100% of all sex workers are trafficking victims.
    They do this in order to label all men as sex offenders and wipe out all consensual prostitution. Which is what their real goal is. There is almost no one who challenges or questions them about their false beliefs. Therefore, the only voices you hear are of these extreme groups. These groups want to label all men as terrible sex offenders for seeing a willing adult sex worker. No one stands up to say this is foolish, the passive public says nothing.
    These groups even say that all men who marry foreign women are terrible sex predators who take advantage of these “helpless foreign women wives”.
    These groups believe that two adults having consensual sex in private should be outlawed. Since they believe that it is impossible for a man to have sex with a woman without abusing the woman in the process.

    September 29, 2012 at 7:17 pm

  6. bebopper76

    Mostly, the police found and arrested adult prostitutes and pimps. When the police go after underage prostitutes they mostly find and arrest adult prostitutes and johns. Why are the police wasting their time on adult prostitutes? Instead of spending that time going after underage prostitutes?

    Why aren’t the police finding millions of children forced against their will to have sex for money? Because their aren’t millions of them. And what proof do they have that they were forced against their will?

    Why are the police just finding, and arresting consensual adults? Because the child victims either don’t exist or are very few in number. They use the excuse of children to arrest consenting adults. If they are just after children, they why don’t they leave the consenting adults alone? The police arrest the consenting adults that they find Why?

    If there is no children involved – why arrest the consenting adult prostitutes, johns, and pimps? They are no children involved? Why are the police wasting their time on adult prostitutes? Instead of spending that time going after underage prostitutes? Because the police are mostly after adult prostitutes, not children.

    Were all the underage prostitutes forced and raped? crying, kicking and screaming while being forced, against their will to have sex for money?

    If a prostitute is 17 and under the age of 18, she can not give legal consent. So, she could have wanted to be a prostitute, and given consent for sex, but since she is underage, she can not give legal consent, so legally she was “forced” even if she gives total consent to sex and it was consensual – she was “forced” according to the court and justice system. There is a BIG difference between being legally “forced” and truly being physically forced against someone’s will.

    This gives the impression that all prostitutes under the age of 18 are “forced” when they may in fact, not have been. If fact, if two people who are both 17 years old have sex, they both are legally considered to be victims and sex predators at the same time. It is strange how the justice system works.

    September 29, 2012 at 7:18 pm

  7. bebopper76

    When the police arrest customers of prostitutes and the prostitutes themselves:
    They try to get the adult women prostitutes to say that they were forced and victims of sex trafficking even though they weren’t.
    These adult women just flat out say, ‘Nope, that’s not what’s happening.’ No one is forcing me”
    Then the U.S. Attorney general, senators, the police and government officials say:
    “We have to help them realize they are victims,”
    They must be brainwashed by their pimps, and johns.
    They say that adult women do not have the ability to make decisions for themselves about sex, therefore
    The government must make all their decisions about sex and who they have sex with for them.
    So… the police are trying to invent victims? Where no victim exist?
    The adult women say that no one is forcing them to work in prostitution and the police don’t believe them?
    So the police want these adult women to lie? and the police are forcing the women to lie about being forced?
    I thought lying was wrong? And isn’t it against the law to lie? -Not for the police, attorney general and other government officials.

    September 29, 2012 at 7:20 pm

  8. bebopper76

    Sex trafficking is illegal and the pentities are very severe. It is very difficult to force someone to be a sex slave, they would have to have 24 hour guards posted and be watched 365 days a year, 24 hours per day. Have the threat of violence if they refused, and have no one notice and complain to the authorities or police. They would need to hide from the general public yet still manage to see customers from the general public and not have the customers turn the traffickers in to the police. They would need to provide them with medical care, food, shelter, and have all their basic needs met. They would need to have the sex slaves put on a fake front that they enjoyed what they were doing, act flirtatious and do their job well.
    They would have to deal with the authorities looking for the missing women, and hide any money they may make, since it comes from illegal activity. They must do all of this while constantly trying to prevent the sex slaves from escaping and reporting them to the police. They would need to prevent the general public from reporting them into the police. This is extremely difficult to do, which makes this activity rare.

    There is a lot of controversy over the numbers of adult woman who are forced sex slaves. The real factual answer is that no one knows. There is hard evidence that the sex slavery/sex trafficking issue continues to report false information and is greatly exaggerated by politicians, the media, and aid groups, feminist and religious organizations that receive funds from the government, The estimate of adult women who become new sex slaves ranges anywhere from 40 million a year to 5,000 per year all of which appear to be much too high. They have no evidence to back up these numbers, and no one questions them about it. Their sources have no sources, and are made up numbers. In fact if some of these numbers are to believed which have either not changed or have been increased each year for the past twenty years, all woman on earth would currently be sex slaves. Yet, very few real forced against their will sex slaves have been found.

    Where are all the underage children kidnapped and forced against their will by a pimp to have sex with the general public for money? How come we don’t see any of the forced victims themselves complaining about it? Why don’t the “millions of forced against their will child victims” talk about how they were kidnapped and forced against their will by a evil pimp to have sex for profit? I would like to have a interview with the “millions of forced against their will raped kidnapped child victims” So I could hear their stories. Where are they? Why do we only hear from the anti-prostitution groups that received money and grants from the government, and not the millions of victims themselves? If there are Millions of them, Shouldn’t the police and public know where they are, and shouldn’t we hear the millions of victims speak? Instead, none are found. Do all men really love raping children who are kicking, crying and screaming, with no one willing to help? Are all men really evil ?

    September 29, 2012 at 7:26 pm

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