Posts tagged “Justin Wedes

Occupy the Cayman Islands with fund raised money

Lee Camp

Negin Farsad

Justin Wedes

Here’s a funny Occupy story, although perhaps it’s not funny in the way Occupy would like to think.

They  had a recent fundraiser in NYC on October 2.

What was that fundraiser for? Was it for money for the poor? Helping someone save their home from foreclosure?

It was to send two Occupy members to the Cayman Islands.

Yes, that’s right. Send them to the Cayman Islands.

Well, what are they being sent to the Cayman Islands for?  Negin Farsad and Lee Camp, two Occupy comedians are being sent there to “report on the infamous tax havens that Mitt Romney and other millionaires use”.  They are also accompanied by Justin Wedes, a spokesperson for Occupy Wall St, who is the main voice @OccupyWallStNYC.  It is unclear who is paying for him to be there.

Let’s look at some of the wonderful things they have discovered in the Cayman Islands so far:

A follower comments on their hard hitting investigation:

Here is a recording of their first day debriefing

It is gratifying that they have discovered that the Cayman Islands doesn’t have taxes and that people legally invest there.

Perhaps tomorrow they can report on the water temperature -oh wait, they already did that:

Sweet deal if you can get it.

Occupier allegedly raped at South Street Seaport

Platform area from which the woman fell.











A 45 year old Occupy Member was raped and thrown off of a 20 foot railing near the South Street Seaport on Monday.

The woman fell on concrete and broke her femur and pelvis in the fall. She is reportedly in serious condition. She reported to police she had been sexually assaulted and then thrown from the railing.
She apparently knew her attacker, but it is unclear at this point whether the attacker is also with Occupy.  She says the attacker was a a black man who stands approximately 5-foot-eight inches tall, weighs 230 pounds and has dreadlocks.
Justin Wedes, who is with OWS, claimed not to have heard of this incident prior to it being reported in the Metro.

Occupy “Summer School” Fail

Occupy Wall Street has been working with students at Paul Robeson High School in Brooklyn, NY,  for months.  This effort to reach out to students was mostly through Justin Wedes, a disgraced former teacher, who resigned for his teaching position in the wake of a grant money scandal.  During this time, some of the students were encouraged to walk out on classes to be involved with May Day protests and to protest against various issues at the school.  Wedes finally managed to do enough to irritate the principal of the school who apparently asked him to leave the property at one point.

Wedes then came up with the concept of a “summer school”, the “Paul Robeson Freedom School”,  not on the Paul Robeson property, but at St John the Evangelist Lutheran School on Maujer Street in Brooklyn.  The “school” is open to 10-14 year olds from Brooklyn,  according to Wedes, who noted they will focus lessons on discussing the civil rights movement, feminism, LGBTQ rights, universal healthcare and other topics of “social justice”, as well as providing tutoring, lessons in urban gardening and local food, and weekly family nights.

Excerpted from LadyLiberty1885 are snippets from NY TIMES story on the subject, emphasis from LadyLiberty:


LAST week, on a gloriously breezy Brooklyn evening, Justin Wedes and Rodney Deas, two original members of the Occupy Wall Street movement, were cooking burgers on a charcoal grill in the courtyard of their latest project — an unsanctioned, unofficial Occupy Wall Street summer camp.

The camp, which runs through Aug. 24 at a redbrick former schoolhouse on Maujer Street in Williamsburg, was only three days old, and fellow Occupiers, swept up in the pioneering spirit, had been coming by in droves to lend a hand. A few guys from Occupy Tech Ops had spent the afternoon tweaking the old computers and hooking up the Ethernet connection, and an Occupy artist had silk-screened 20 T-shirts (with a book-and-raised-fist logo) to serve as camp uniforms. Occupy librarians were finishing the reading room, and some Occupy farmers were discussing how to bring in provisions. A tattooed video jockey from Occupy TV was milling about, recording it all on a Sony hand-held camera.

The only thing missing at that point were the campers. By Wednesday, there were three.

“The joke is we’ve been getting one a day,” said Mr. Wedes, who is 26 and a veteran of the food committee at Zuccotti Park. “I figure, at this rate, in another couple weeks we’ll actually have a camp.”

You could blame the slow start on any number of issues: a nonexistent advertising budget (zero dollars out of a $300 operating account); a lack of sufficiently radical activities (no shoot-the-banker archery, say, or color war with flexi-cuffs); or a cultural predilection for horizontal planning.(How fast would a top-down Tea Party camp be up and running?)

Mr. Wedes (pronounced WEE-dis) said the delay was merely a function of grass-roots community work. “We’re starting here from nothing,” he said, “and building up. It’s a process.”


I know, every line is like some kind of love letter to Occupy. What parent in their right mind would let their kids near one of these events much less a ‘ Summer camp’?  Let’s ignore that kids have been left alone with ratsabandonedflashedintimidated, arrestedand used as human shields by Occupiers. Are people who incite riots, destroy public property, rack up 41 million in damages nationwide and who can’t seem to pick a single focus topic to protest about on any given day really who you want your kids around? Uh, that’s a HELL NO.

Read more here.

Occupy: Indoctrinate

Occupy worked very hard to get people out for May 1, trying to establish connections with immigrant groups and community advocacy organizations.

What is not often mentioned is the effort that they have been making to reach into high schools to influence students.

A major person behind this effort in NYC is Justin Wedes, a former high school teacher. Wedes abruptly quit his job as a city public school teacher after getting caught red-handed falsifying time sheets, according to the New York Post.  Former South Brooklyn Community HS science teacher Justin Wedes, who often rails against corporate greed and corruption, “cut and pasted’’ the signature of a supervisor onto his time sheets while applying for a national education grant, Special Schools Commissioner of Investigation Richard Condon found.

In this first video, you see the results of months of Wedes and others cultivating students at Paul Robeson High School in NYC.  Occupy members have had meetings at the school to talk with the kids and influence them. It’s also a bit ironic that it is “Paul Robeson High School”. Robeson, a remarkably multi-faceted man, was an amazing singer, incredibly bright, lawyer and civil rights activist.  He was also an infamous supporter of Soviet Communism.

Notice the effort to demonize “privatization”.  Why would the kids have an issue with it? Because the union has a problem with it. Charter schools in NY have been largely successful and provide a viable option for children from poorer communities. Kids and parents line up to get into those schools. It’s called competition and it improves education.  That’s just a bit frightening to the unions, who want to have a monopoly to be continue to provide that sterling education they have been providing-not. Think of it this way, kids, if you were forced to only eat in the cafeteria, and chose from the lousy food provided, wouldn’t you want to have the option of food outside those restrictions?

Beyond the very specific approach to reach out to certain schools in NYC, was the general effort to gets kids out for May 1 by making it “cool”.  Organizer Marisa “I’m not for reform, I’m for revolution” Holmes actually made a video, noting that you could leave school, and “do whatever you want to do”.

Who wouldn’t want to go to what appears to be a holiday party?  In this second video, the kids have heard the pitch, but have no idea even why they are there, apart from the fact it seems fun. The girl with the anarchy symbol on her face could as well been at a St Patrick’s Day Parade and it have been a shamrock. Notice the requisite event tee shirt-souvenir-looks like capitalism to me.

See video here

If you wonder how we get the Justin Wedes and Marisa Holmes types, the effort to recruit has been going on for a very long time.