Socialists, Occupiers in New Zealand assault US Consulate with shoes, remove US flag and replace with Palestinian flag

The Socialist Aotearoa group organized a march, including members of Occupy Auckland & Occupy New Zealand, and moved on the US Consulate in Auckland, New Zealand on Saturday. Claiming to be part of a “Global Peace and Justice Solidarity with Gaza March”, they shouted such chants as “Free Palestine” and threw shoes at the Consulate, a sign of disrespect in the Arab world.

They also replaced the US flag that flew over the Consulate with a Palestinian flag.

See picture of US flag normally there (partially obscured by tree):

US Consulate Auckland, American flag in place. Credit Citizen Journalist


The American flag replaced:




















Video of protester rejoicing at raising of Palestinian flag:

Video of protesters throwing shoes at the Consulate:

Speeches and signs indicated a desire to tear up the Camp David accords and move the Egyptian army into Gaza to fight Israel.





















One might ask where police and US security at the Consulate were in all this? Apparently, we are still not adequately protecting our embassies and consulates, even after the Benghazi scandal and terrorist attack which resulted in the death of four Americans including the American ambassador, J. Christopher Stevens.

HT: Foolish Reporter

2 responses

  1. sf

    What a charming group of widdle socialists!

    November 21, 2012 at 2:23 pm

  2. Jerry S

    Australia I knew, seen it in the news recently, but I didn’t know the Muslimes invaded New Zealand too.
    The westerners already lost the war against the Mahmadanians.

    November 21, 2012 at 4:24 pm

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