Posts tagged “Donna Vanzant

Post-election, reality sets in for Sandy victims, like Donna Vanzant

Remember this iconic picture?

This was Donna Vanzant, two days after Hurricane Sandy, being hugged by President Obama. This picture was beamed around the country and the internet, showing Obama’s care for hurricane victims.  It may have factored in helping him get re-elected after trailing in polls to Mitt Romney.

Donna owned North Point Marina in Brigantine, New Jersey which suffered over $500,000 in damage from the storm. President Obama flew in for about an hour, hugged her, made promises, got pictures taken with Gov. Christie and left.

But before he left he had the following exchange- “we are going to make sure that she immediately gets help”:

Well, Donna received many kindnesses and heard from countless people as a result of the picture.  But is it any shock that she still hasn’t heard from the government?

According to the Bergen Record, Donna says it was an honor to meet the President, but she is frustrated that she has yet to receive any help from either her insurance company or the government.

“The President told me I would get immediate help”, she said.  “Looking back on it, it wasted a lot of people’s time”, she said of the visit. The future of North Point Marina remains uncertain. “I am just moving minute by minute, because the insurance companies are telling me, no, no, no!” she said.


Not only was the photo op used, the picture of Donna is still up on the White House site, proclaiming “We are here for you”.


Donna has finally heard from President Obama. He responded to her email with a form letter, thanking her for supporting the troops. See more here.